Indu Arora_How to Lead a Yoga Class

For your mind

​10 +1 suggestions on how to lead a Yoga class

2 minutes

1. There is power in your voice. There is power in the choice of your words. Feel it before you say it. Say it like you mean it!

2. Let your silence set the pace of the class. Everything does not need to be vocalized

3. Freedom in exploration of techniques is beneficial if it leads to self-inquiry

4. Let there be strength in your voice along with softness in your heart. What a powerful combination!

5. Demonstrate if you need and remember it is NOT your time to practice

6. It is good to be contemplative. Keeping your eyes closed throughout the class takes away the opportunity to observe and re-wise your instructions based on the present moment

7. It is not important to teach everything you know in one class. Whatever you share, share it with depth, precision and clarity. Allow everyone to dive in the space you created.

8. Do not teach... Share!

9. Share from your life's experiences.Add yourself. That is the unique gift life has given you. Everything else is available everywhere

10. Let Yoga be. It is not meant to be picture perfect. Every asana is not an opportunity to look perfect

+1 It is a myth that you are the teacher. You are the one learning the most out of this experience. Stay humble!

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