For your mind

Bringing Clarity to the Chakras Like Never Before

What we have misunderstood about chakras in modern yoga? Do we “work” on our chakras? How do we know if they’re weak? Does the order of the chakras matter?


Practice with me:

Study with me:

Laya Yoga of Chakras Training: 5 Days in-depth training of Chakras from ancient texts like Yoga Sutras, Sri Tattva Chintamani, Vijnana Bhairava Tantra, Netra Tantra begins June 2024. Sign up now. Detail and Registration Link

✅ 15 practice sessions
✅ detailed handouts
✅ several Q and A opportunities
✅ video replay (limited time)

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✅ Installment Options
✅ Indian Resident Discount
✅ Repeat Participant Discount
✅ Partial Scholarship Options

Listen to this podcast:

Bringing Clarity to Chakras Like Never Before on Let's Talk Yoga Podcast. Here